Welcome to "A Mad Designer's Journey"

The comic, inspiring and always fashionable adventures of this "mad designer" as she navigates the reality of pursuing her dream...living the artisan lifestyle of a jewelry designer.

Phoenix Design, Artisan Jewelry is a one woman shop powered by zany energy, midnight inspirations and the support of my friends.

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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A day at the Parc

We got a bit of am late start today partly due to being on holiday schedule (sleeping in) and partly due to the holiday post office schedule. I just had my first two sales since I moved to Paris and reopened my Etsy shop. Yea!!! After finding a post office that was open in the afternoon we decided to take advantage of the warmer (and dryer…no rain today) weather and go to the park.  In our haste to get out the door we forgot the camera and a picnic lunch but we were able to purchase sandwiches at a small concession stand in the park and I actually got some ok pictures using my new HTC Windows phone. (This shout out is in honor of “S”, a devoted Microsoftee)
I was amazed to see peacocks loose in the parc and they were quite friendly. The white one actually took food from my hand and sat with us for a moment.
As we walked through the park we saw other peacocks but only one like the white one who shared our picnic. As the sun was going down you could hear them calling to one another…mayo…mayo. Very cool!
This parc is also a botanical garden with beautiful gardens wild to formal.
It was getting dark by the time we got to the rose garden but it was spectacular with hundreds of varieties of roses in bloom.
As we were leaving we found this little guy…I think he was tuckered out too.

ROCK ON! by Phoenix Design Jewelry